Our Riding Curriculum
I craft the curriculum for each of my riding & art classes with the same goal minded progression as the college courses that I teach. That isn't to say that I will expect a six-year-old to write college-level essays, it does mean that when my students show up, we have a plan.
I am never just winging it.
I will never be that instructor standing in the middle of the ring yelling confusing commands as the students ride around and around in clueless circles.
My students will have a clear syllabus of skills and theory to master.
What Our Students Learn
at Level One:
Riding skills
I can mount the horse correctly
I know how to hold the reins correctly
I know how to sit in the vertical seat
I know the aids to get the horse to go forward
I know the aids to slow the horse down and halt
I know how to steer through cones in walk
I can ride a transition from walk to trot and from trot to walk
I can create relaxation through bend.
I can recapture a horse’s focus through lateral flexion.
I know how to rise in the trot
I know how to rise on the correct diagonal in the trot
I can follow the track, ride down the centerline, change direction over the diagonal and change direction across the arena in walk and trot.
I am comfortable with my horse cantering
Rider Development:
How to detach from my anxiety through meditation before riding.
Practice gratitude and appreciation meditation with my/a horse.
I have affirmed that my voice is important.
I have practiced my mindfulness meditation with my/a horse.
I have affirmed that I am confident, capable, courageous and kind.
Horse and Rider:
I know how to safely enter a horse's stall
I can safely lead a horse
I can safely let a horse loose
I can brush the horse
I can pick out the hooves
I can put a halter on a horse
I can tack up the horse to ride ( with a bridle, saddle-pad, saddle, girth and martingale)
I know the parts of the saddle, bridle, and martingale
I know how to safely position a saddle on a horse in relation to its ribs and shoulder blades to avoid pain or infringing on the horse's movement.
I know the basic body parts of the horse
I understand the importance of physical training for the rider
I know what safety equipment I need for riding
I know some important equestrian role models
Horse and Rider Communication, I have learned/mastered:
How to read my horses' stress indicators and what to do about them.
How to be mentally present and focused for my horse and earn their trust.
How to communicate using voice and aids to ask my horse to walk and trot in the round pen.
I have learned the principle of work with the horse that you have today.
I have mastered the art of matching steps with my horse.
I have practiced rituals of communication with a horse.
Horse Health and Care,
I have learned how much horse's need to be fed
I have learned about horse nutrition and how best to manage a horse's diet
I have learned signs of malnourishment
I have learned what is too fat for a horse
I have learned where to look for muscle development